We are committed to protecting your privacy.

We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended from time to time) and must protect your personal information according to that Act and other applicable laws, such as the Spam Act 2007 (Cth) (‘Privacy Laws’).

At Noakes Nickolas, we only collect personal information that is authorised by law. The privacy policy as set out below explains how we comply with our obligations under the Privacy Laws.

Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement relates to your use of our website.

Collection of personal information will be obtained direct from you where possible. We may need to obtain your personal information from a representative in order to provide you with our services. In the event that we do need to obtain your personal information from your representative, then we will use our best endeavours to first obtain your consent to do so.

What kinds of personal information do we collect and hold?
When you enquire about our services, we collect information that is reasonably necessary to be able to provide you with those services. For instance, we may ask for identification information that we may require such as your full name, telephone number, email address, postal address, date of birth, and gender.
Noakes Nickolas has a general duty of confidentiality towards you, except in the following circumstances:

  • where disclosure is compelled by law;
  • where there is a duty to the public to disclose;
  • where the interests of Noakes Nickolas require disclosure; and
  • where disclosure is made with your express or implied consent.

Why do we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information?
The main reason we collect, use, hold and disclose personal information is so we can provide you with our services (including where applicable, third party products and/or services) and to help us run our business. This may include:

  • marketing our services to you;
  • assisting you where online applications are not completed;
  • providing you with the services;
  • helping you manage the services;
  • offering benefits to you;
  •  improving our services to you;
  • informing you of any initiatives that we may think you will be interested in;
  • helping us develop insights and conduct data analysis to improve the delivery of services, enhance our client relationships and effectively manage risks;
  • identify our clients and potential clients;
  • understanding your interests and preferences so we can tailor digital content;
  • any purpose that is permitted, required or authorised by, or under the law; and
  • any other purpose that you have consented to.

For any other purposes for the collection of personal information that are not listed above, we will inform you at the time of collection, or as soon as practicable afterwards.

How do we collect personal information?
The ways in which personal information is provided to us includes (but is not limited to) information that you provide us with at our request and information collected during the course of providing our services to you.

We collect most personal information directly from you whether in person, on the phone or electronically – for example: when you visit our websites, online services or use our mobile applications.

On occasion, we may collect personal information about you from other people and/or organisations – for example: from publicly available sources of information.

How do we hold and protect your personal information?
We will store your personal information securely, and we will take reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Our precautions include secure storage and restricted access to the personal information.

Who do we disclose your personal information to, and why?
On occasion, we may disclose your personal information to organisations outside Noakes Nickolas who help us deliver or support our provision of services to you – for example: anyone we engage to do something on our behalf, and other organisations that assist us with our business.

We will only disclose personal information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • where disclosure is for the primary purpose that the personal information was collected for or
  • necessary to carry out our services;
  • where consent has first been obtained by you or the concerned individual;
  • where the third party is our agent or contractor and the personal information is to be disclosed to them and/or used by them for the primary purpose that the personal information was collected for; and
  • where we are required by law to make the disclosure.

Do we use or disclose personal information for marketing?
We may use your personal information to directly offer you services that we believe may be of interest and value to you, but we will not do this if you tell us not to. These services may be offered by an employee of Noakes Nickolas, including by mail, telephone, email, SMS or through social media or targeted advertising through Noakes Nickolas.

Access to and correction of personal information
The quality of the personal information. We will rely on the personal information that is provided to us.

You can request access to the personal information we hold about you. You can also ask for corrections to be made. To do so, please contact us by using the contact details provided below. In the event that the personal information that you have provided to us changes, is inaccurate or incomplete, you must inform us of this and provide us with the corrected or updated personal information as soon as reasonably possible.

is information that is sent to your browser from a website when information on a website is accessed. Cookies indicate whether you have visited the website before and track the pages that you have visited. A cookie will not read any data or information on your hard drive, it will only contain
information that you supply to it.

This website uses cookies and if you want cookies to be refused you must alter this setting in your browser. If you do so, then this may result in you not being able to obtain the full benefit of our website.

Resolving your privacy concerns and complaints – your rights
If you have a question or complaint about how your personal information is being handled by us, please contact us by using the contact details provided below.

Delivering on our service promise
We’re constantly striving to provide the best possible services to you, and we will do our best to resolve any concern you have efficiently and fairly.

Our commitment to you
In the event that you wish to access your personal information that we hold, request that your personal information is corrected or make a complaint about a potential breach of this policy or the Privacy Laws then you may do this by using the contact details provided below.

We will respond to your query or complaint as soon as reasonably possible.

Changes to our Privacy Policy
We may change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time at our absolute discretion. This Privacy Policy was last updated in February 2022.

Contact us

  • over the phone on 0402 211 543;
  • visiting our office in person (we are open on each weekday from 7:30am until 5:30pm);
  • online at – using our secure feedback form to provide feedback, share your suggestions, provide a complaint or compliment; or
  • write to us at Level 1, 67 Anzac Highway, Ashford SA 5035.

Contact Form

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